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Thursday, January 7, 2010

selling a used car is not a tough job at all

If you keenly analyze the car sales figures, you will find that most of the cars sold are the used ones. It proves that selling a used car is not a tough job at all. However, that's not the truth. Selling a used car is a lot tougher than selling a new one. Therefore, it is important to put yourself in the buyers' shoes, if you want to sell your car on the price you want. Following are some important tips that can help you in making used car sales:

Know the USPs of your car

It is mandatory for you to know your car really well. Try to find its USPs which you can advertise in front of the buyer. Some of the USPs could be:

� Untouched engine
� Excellent mileage
� Superior condition of tyres
� Scratch free body
� Appearance of interiors
� Proper functioning of accessories like radio, air conditioner, power windows etc

The whole process of making car sales depends upon the USPs of your cars. The more points you can add, the better will it be.

Get the condition of your car perfect

In normal circumstances, the most common reason of a used car not being sold is its condition. A client, whether he is the first time buyer or a pro, will always check the cars condition closely. Hence, it is important to get your car in a perfect condition before you present it in front of the buyer. Be it levels of the oil, brakes, condition of the tyres or working of accessories, get everything right.

Advertise in the right way

Make sure that you advertise for your car in the right way. Advertising only in classified newspapers won't do. Try and post advertisement on various automobile sites available. You can also participate in the numerous car sales auctions that keep taking place at regular time intervals.

Keep the selling price a bit higher

Fix a price for your car slightly higher than what you want. Don't worry! This will not ruin your deal, rather, it give you enough room for negotiations on the buyers' part. Even if the buyer is able to negotiate a lot, you still might get the price you want. However, fixing a higher price can only do well, if your car has enough Unique Selling Points (USPs).

Be firm yet polite

IT is your car and you should get the price you want. Therefore, make sure that you don't get carried away in negotiations and agree upon a price, which is less than what you had planned. Put across your view in a polite manner and try to stick with it. By following the above mentioned tips, you can definitely make used car sales at your price.

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